The Graphical Analysis page enables you to view the trending of expenses over time for budget and cash-based projects. This page features two tabs: Expenditures by Category and Burn Rate. You can click the Expand Project Header button to view a high-level summary of project details.
The Expenditures by Category tab displays trends in spending by budget category. Each data series represents a budget category and displays in a unique color. The vertical axis displays the spent amount, while the horizontal axis displays the range of time. You can view the date and amount for each data point by hovering the mouse over a data point.
The Burn Rate tab displays the trend and amount of cumulative expenses over time (burn rate) for budget-based projects. The vertical axis displays the amount of cumulative expenses, while the horizontal axis displays the range of time.
The Graphical Analysis page is interactive:
You can add and remove data from the graph display by clicking the categories shown in the legend at the bottom of the page.
You can change the range of time displayed on the graph page by zooming in or out. To zoom in, click and drag the mouse in the graph area. After zooming in, you can reset the graph display by clicking the Reset Zoom button.