Enroll now in upcoming Financial Literacy and Retirement Education workshops

Enroll now in upcoming Financial Literacy and Retirement Education workshopsMaybe the recently announced COVID-19 retirement incentive for TEAMS staff caught your eye, or maybe you’re still paying off those student loans from years ago. Maybe it’s time to take control of your finances or find out more about Medicare. UF’s Financial Literacy and Retirement Education (FLARE) workshops are here to help! Here are the upcoming FLARE classes for summer: Medicare 06/08/20 2:00-4:00 You can find descriptions of the workshops online here. Please note that all summer FLARE workshops will be held via ZOOM meetings; no in-person classes are available for summer. To register for upcoming FLARE workshops, log in to myUFL and navigate to Main Menu > My Self Service > Training and Development > myTraining. (Instructions for joining the ZOOM meeting will be sent prior to the class date.) |