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Improvements to enterprise reporting include self-service

A new myUFL reporting and analytics tool with a modernized dashboard was recently implemented to better meet the expanded reporting and analytics needs at UF. UFIT team members will be reaching out to ‘Shared Folder’ and ‘myFolders’ owners to collaborate in migrating their existing content to the new platform.

Existing ARS roles will function the same way, providing access to the various datasets and reports available within Enterprise Analytics. The support options for myUFL reporting and enterprise analytics includes:

  • Online Training via myTraining:
  • Introduction to Enterprise Analytics – ERA050
  • Dashboards – ERA100
  • Report Authoring – ERA200
  • Monthly Open Labs Hosted by Reporting Services Staff:

3:00 p.m.– 4:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month
HR Building room 119

Register via myTraining in myUFL for UF_PST919_ILT

Need additional assistance? Contact the UFIT Reporting Services group with your questions about creating new reports, open lab hours or the online training options.

Published: January 8th, 2020

Category: Learn and Grow, myTraining, News, Toolkits