Navigating the Mother of All Parenting Challenges
Many people are struggling to juggle work, parenting and now suddenly homeschooling their children during the COVID-19 crisis. Below are just a few resources we hope will help you navigate these challenges. If you or your department have resources to share with other parents, please let us know by emailing us at
College of Medicine
Dr. Lisa Merlo, wellness director for the College of Medicine, has compiled a list of resources for parents, including tips for homeschooling, Alachua County-specific resources and more on the College of Medicine’s website.
McKnight Brain Institute
UF Health Psychologist Dr. Andrea Guastello provides tips to help parents through these challenging times.
Lastinger Center
Need some new strategies for supporting literacy development while reading to your child? Asking questions and retelling a story are just a few of many that you can use when teaching your child from home. Check out some more quick tips in this video from the UF Lastinger Center.