Upcoming events celebrate women’s achievements and aspirations

With 2020 marking the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, UF is starting to celebrate with a variety of events and activities. We’ve assembled just a few upcoming events marking this occasion as well as several others that celebrate women’s achievements and aspirations.
If your department has any upcoming events, please email us at hrcommunications@hr.ufl.edu and we’ll continue to share event announcements in the weeks to come.
1920-2020: A Century of Suffrage and Voter Suppression
Feb. 12, 4 to 6 p.m., Ustler Hall
The Gary C. and Eleanor G. Simons Lecture in American History will feature Dr. Liette Gidlow, associate professor of history, Wayne State University.
Anne Moody and Voting Rights in the Era of Black Power: After Coming of Age in Missisissippi
Feb. 13, 4 p.m., Smathers Library 100This talk will show how Anne Moody’s thinking about civil rights evolved in response to her experiences in the South and then in the North. It will also show how Black Power brought voting rights to Moody’s hometown of Wilkinson County, Mississippi.
Women and Girls in Science Celebration
Feb. 15, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Florida Museum of Natural History
Celebrate International Women and Girls in Science Day with hands-on activities and experiments at the Florida Museum. Meet local scientists and hear from Jenny Tung, associate professor of biology at Duke University, during this free program open to everyone.
HESCAH Lecture – The Anxiety of Disruption: Women Artists and Creativity
Feb. 20, 6-8 p.m., Chandler Auditorium, Harn Museum of Art
Carol Becker, dean of Columbia University’s School of the Arts, will present as part of the lecture series, “Art’s Inclusive Histories: In Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage.”
Inspiring Women Leaders
March 8-10, Hilton University of Florida Conference Center
The third annual conference will include engaging presentations, panel discussions, interactive pre-conference workshops, and social networking opportunities hosted by UF’s Warrington College of Business, Office of the Chief Diversity Officer, and Office of Professional and Workforce Development.
The UF Collaboratory for Women Innovators Presents — Seeing Is Believing: Women Direct
March 12, 7-9 pm, The Hippodrome Theatre
Seeing Is Believing: Women Direct is a documentary film that emphasizes the opportunity for women to use their voice through media to change the social and political landscape and achieve full equality.
SciArt Meetup: Women Scientific Illustrators
March 24, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Florida Museum of Natural History
Learn about influential female scientific illustrators throughout history and create artwork inspired by 17th-century artist and naturalist, Maria Sibylla Merian. Discover the beauty of careful observation using the Museum’s plant and insect specimens, microscopes and magnifying glasses.