
What is Mainspring?


main·​spring | \ ˈmān-ˌspriŋ\

  1. the chief spring in a mechanism especially of a watch or clock
  2. the chief or most powerful motive, agent, or cause

At the University of Florida, MainSpring is an interconnected community of professionals learning, sharing and growing together to move the research enterprise forward. Each individual working in perfect concert like a finely tuned watch can help to ease administrative burden and promote compliance ultimately facilitating world class research and scholarship.

Our Purpose

To reduce administrative burden on faculty and risk to UF by supporting sponsored programs administration through networking, education, and development of knowledge and skills.

Our team has developed a competency model that will allow us to strategically target and measure the effectiveness of initiatives designed to obtain our vision.

Our Mission

To connect a diverse community of professionals who will reduce the administrative burden for faculty by learning, sharing and growing together.

Forces & Contributions

The content of the Competency Model, the RAPortal, the planning and delivery of the workshops, seminars and other learning opportunities is the result of countless hours of work from hundreds of thoughtful and dedicated administrators from across nearly every college and core office at the University. We appreciate their energy, time and expertise in creating a culture of innovation and excellence.

If you are interested in contributing to the ongoing MainSpring work or have a suggestion or recommendation, please reach out to us.